read file into string in java

java - Parsing a String from text file into a date - Stack Overflow.
Create a File object in memory from a string in Java - Stack Overflow.
May 15, 2013. Encode a file to base64 binary in Java - Gist is a simple way to share snippets of text and code with. private String encodeFileToBase64Binary(String fileName) . throw new IOException("Could not completely read file "+file.
I have a method which reads file and returning string. But i wanted to return reader. I want to convert string to reader or else i want to read the.
I have a text.txt file which contains following txt. Kontagent Announces. The Unix file probably uses the native Unix EOL char: n , whereas the.
I am trying to read the file as follows:. function reads your data as a string in the default character .. Writing to file inside package Java.
file io - How to convert String to Reader in java - Stack Overflow.
Hi Guys, I currently have this code public static void ReadFile2String(String InputFile) { try{ FileInputStream fstream = new.
Possible Duplicate: Storing file content into an array. I'm programming. I suggest you use a List<String> (such as ArrayList<String> ) and a.
Java: Reading file in two parts - partly as String and partly as byte.
Hi Guys, I currently have this code public static void ReadFile2String(String InputFile) { try{ FileInputStream fstream = new.
Possible Duplicate: Storing file content into an array. I'm programming. I suggest you use a List<String> (such as ArrayList<String> ) and a.
I am using this code to read a txt file, line by line.. InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine; // Read File Line By Line int i = 0; while ((strLine = br.
Thread: Reading lines of a text file into a string array - Java.
java: decomprss files into string too slow - Stack Overflow.